Traveling to the Basque country- Donostia-San Sebastian and Biarritz

An important thing to know about Basque country is that it spans across Spain and France. Places close to the the borders are probably most interesting ones to explore in general - on one hand, you can either see the contrast or - more often than not, all the common denominators and softened aspects of how different cultures live side by side. Basque country is, therefore, geographically a unique place to discover.


We couldn’t miss a day trip to the (royal) surfing haven Biarritz - the weather was fantastic, surfs were all out. A perfect ocean breeze was pleasantly cooling as we walked from the city centre towards the beach and all the lovely vistas.

Biarritz beach.jpg

I could imagine this as one of my retirement locations - a compact place by the ocean.

Biarritz instagram spot.jpg

After touring the location, we took the advantage of the beach weather and chilled out and swam in the ocean at one of the local beaches.

Couldn’t resist a nutella crepe 😋.

San Sebastian

For a day trip no. 2 - we headed to San Sebastian. A high end, foodie city with its own identity. I browsed through local design stores and could feel the artsy, surfy, Basque vibe.

LaConcha beach - gloomy weather didn’t discourage beach goers from having fun.

Hiking opportunities aplenty.

Basilica de Santa Maria - a staple

Narrow streets full of pinxto bars and Michelin stars :)

San Sebastian has some really cool retail shops - surf culture has a strong presence.

One thing I love about Spain is its diversity - you can get a number of completely different experiences visiting this amazing country - from Canarias, Andalusia, Mediterranean, Catalonia or Basque Country - you just won’t get bored!

I'm looking forward to exploring further - I’d love to get back to Mallorca, visit Tenerife and see the Northern - western part of the country next! Can't wait. :)

Have you visited Spain? Let me know your favourite places or a bucket list in the comments!

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