Navigating complexity with bullet journaling

While working out at home, I often turn on YouTube and listen to conversation-based videos about business, technology, or psychology. Interviews featuring Tim Ferris, Lex Friedman, or Jordan Peterson are particularly engaging, capturing my attention as I browse through the platform.

There is so much happening in the tech and scientific spheres that it's nearly impossible to keep up with everything. Experts like Huberman are doing an excellent job synthesizing and distributing actionable tips for self-optimization. I'd love to do a deep dive, but it feels like a part-time job in itself.

Should I follow Bill Gates' example and have a "reading week" or allocate a day or two each quarter for focused learning?

It's one thing to learn about various techniques, but determining what works best for you and implementing it into your lifestyle involves a whole different level of logistics.

Should I hire someone to do it for me? :D

Regarding goal-setting, I must admit that defining specific goals or milestones has been challenging over the past six months. Working in the tech industry, it's nearly impossible to create detailed plans that extend beyond a year or two. Similarly, life goals seem to shift constantly—my vision from just eight months ago no longer applies. External factors and personal perspectives continue to change, or rather, "adjust."

As a natural response, I've turned to bullet journaling, capturing and writing everything down—from monthly calendars and weekly schedules to tasks. This approach helps me gain a sense of control over my life, or at least creates the impression of it.

It may get messy and busy, but hey—whatever works!

I want to take some time to share the formats and prompts that have been effective for me over the past few years:

Monthly View

  • A vertical calendar to track trips and location-based events throughout the month

  • On the opposite side, I list 2-3 top priorities for the month

Weekly Schedule

  • A Monday-to-Friday matrix for morning and afternoon appointments, meetings, and calls

  • I typically update this schedule on Sunday or Monday

Active To-Do List

  • On the right side of the weekly schedule, I brain dump tasks that need attention

  • I use a color-coding system for multiple simultaneous projects

  • "Life Admin" tasks have their own column

  • Often, I'll list tasks for Monday, only to realize they can't all be completed in a single day. Consequently, the list evolves into a weekly working sheet where tasks are added, finished, or deleted based on developments

Topical Pages

  • When I learn something, I write it down

  • I take advantage of numbered pages and ensure themes are added to the index

'Random Stream of Consciousness' Pages

  • I write these pages from the back of my journal

How do you navigate the complexity? Please share your productivity or BuJo tips in the comments.


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