Caparica heat

The environment can make you feel...We can all agree that the physical environment has an influence on ... everything. Especially a human being. While I'm no master in stoicism (yet), I can easily get affected by many elements.However, the most influential turns out to be my surrounding. While the place can make me feel calm, safe, inspired, excited, motivated...  on the other hand, less comfortable scenarios can trigger anxiety, fear, can irritate me or just feel not safe anymore.There's a little you can do about it (if you're not an engaged architect/politician/activist/developer...) apart from being immune, having control over your perception and positive thinking. To be honest, the ever-present (post)communist architecture in my home country was one of the main reasons (lol, and motivations at the same time) I wanted to live abroad.That's why I'm so grateful every time I'm in a place or a city that feels good. I can almost tell something physical is happening in my brain that makes me feel happy. Followed by the overwhelming stream of gratitude, I'm trying to soak everything in, get inspired and use this energy to create.I'm spending the following month in (as I call it) my motherland 2.0 - Portugal! If you eliminate the state of the economy, the Caparica beach on the picture is a far better alternative to Venice beach in California.By the ocean...Born in an inland country and having lived in one most of my life, being around the sea ocean has an utterly different esprit to it. I love cities -  it's vibrant energy, progressive state of businesses, people - it's something about these melting pots that makes you appreciate how far we've come. Even though the life in big cities is quite challenging, the reward of being on the cutting edge of the industry ( which is a blend of professionals, economy, your own skill set...) is an advancement that needs to be considered.Contrarily, the strong presence of the ocean and nature itself only shows how meaningless the humankind actually is. Earth has been here billions of years and, we necessarily don't mean s*it in the bigger context. Witnessing its force makes me re-define priorities in an instant. There are 2 scenarios where I'm falling in the state of the spleen: when I saw a glacier for the first time in my life and every time I'm by the ocean. โ†“ It's about the optimal setting...On a quest for personal growth, building the best version of yourself and doing stuff that makes sense and makes you happy, choosing a location that is optimal for your development - is challenging.I'm observing successful people in the streets or meeting them at the events and contrary, people choosing to live a simple, happy life located near the beach or not.I tend to converge between the two although when I look back, it has been more work. I guess you really need to earn that 'play' and indeed, you might not even have the choice, or just can't afford it. Anyway... the twenties are for working your ass off, right?And that's why we all need to take a breather. :) How do you know...I know I really took a break when I start to get more original ideas. Nonetheless, this doesn't necessarily mean you have the energy to execute them. It's that unique blend of motivation, strength, grit and determination.The 'magic' formula of our generation is this advice that 'Ideas are worthless - execution is the key'. Make sure you're able and have the energy to execute that first thing on your to-do list. And the rest will follow.  What's your favourite way to relax? I'm curious about your tips! How's the summer been for you so far? 


Reading in 2018 + tips ๐Ÿ“š


How to get an internship in Brussels (Part 3/3) Interview with Christian Hierholzer, Managing Director of Hanover Comms in Brussels