Autumnal musings - things I enjoy this season
I'm sharing a couple of things that got my attention in the last months. Getting this kind of post together makes for a nice and practical list that can be revisited anytime. I'm always searching for links or resources I came across in the past that might be useful at the time. I'm wondering if you find something from my items interesting - let me know in the comments :).
Greenwich and autumn
Nigella bites
I remember Nigella on the TV when I was little but never knew her whole story. There's a nice documentary about her life, where her passion for food and approach comes from and much more. It always inspires me how you can carve out 'a niche' even in such a crowded industry as food/cooking. Apart from having access to resources and contacts I find authenticity, personal approach and how much is all this relatable to consumers quite crucial.
While watching her very first TV series Nigella bites one can really grasp the essence of her approach. To my surprise, her recipes are nowhere healthy. Watching her sizzle pancetta and pouring the fat from pan on to a salad afterwards transforms my unhealthy choice of meal into an acceptable healthy alternative in an instant.
I watch her exclusively while eating dinner or lunch.
<A rel="nofollow" HREF="//"> Widgets</A>
Just give me one more night
I read this book in the span of probably 5 hours (before bed and in the morning). Recently translated to English, it's been a bestseller in Norway, where the author, Annijor comes from. A story of a real heartbreak is something I've actually never read about as a main theme of a title. And I'm craving reading novels. I don't follow many 'influencers' but I love her aesthetics - see it for yourself.
The Master and Margarita
Recommended by my friend Peter, I got an English version of Bulgakov's (and world literature) classic, The Master and Margarita. When I started reading the novel, I realised that it's not quite natural. Reading Ukrainian author, contemplating a story set in Russia in English has been a bit contradictory for me, even as a Slovak. Did you ever got this feeling? I sensed reading the book in Slovak would get me a better experience.
I also couldn't imagine I would have had read Anna Karenina in English. While being on a completely different spectrum as a country nowadays, I feel my part of collective unconsciousness has a connection to the region and history, even though I was born after the USSR collapsed.
When I found out there was a new translation of uncensored version by Jan Strasser(the best translator, artist, writer ever to be born in Slovakia), released this September, the decision has been a no-brainer. I'll be purchasing Slovak version and can't wait.
Caspian Report
I love geopolitics and geography. Caspian Report has been a great resource to not only stay updated with the current developments, but understanding the complexity and history of the situation as well. Oh and I'm wondering why I didn't pursue geopolitics in some way.
Tony Robbins podcast
I'm sporadically listening to this while getting ready in the morning. Bite-sized motivation from Tony will never do any harm!
Naval Ravikant
One of the most valuable resources I've ever came across. Naval is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and investor. I've been following him on twitter for quite some time and recently got into listening his interviews. Even after listening the same podcast a couple of times, his insights are so deep there's still so much you can tap into. Can't recommend this enough.
Halloween gum candies
The quickest way to my heart is paved with sour gum candies. My guilty pleasure.
What's been on your reading list recently? What got your attention? I'd love to hear your tips!